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바흐 무반주첼로모음곡(Suites No.1-6 BWV 1007-1012): 이스트반 바르다이Istvan Vardai

들꽃 호아저씨 2020. 2. 10. 20:37

바람 속에 노래

Recorded in Budapest at the Franz Liszt Music Academy on 31. October 2019

István Várdai played all the Suites BWV 1007-1012 on one evening in 3 part selection: No. 1-2-4, No. 3-5 and No. 6.

His Cello was built in 1673 by Antonio Stradivarius, 12 years before J. S. Bach was born, it is the oldest Cello crafted by Stradivarius, also called the "Du Pré-Harrell".

이스트반 바르다이Istvan Vardai plays J.S. Bach: 6 Suites for Violoncello Solo - Part 1 No. 1-2-4- live


이스트반 바르다이Istvan Vardai plays J.S. Bach: 6 Suites for Violoncello Solo - Part 2 No. 3-5- live


이스트반 바르다이Istvan Vardai plays J.S. Bach: 6 Suites for Violoncello Solo - Part 3 No. 6- live
