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브라인슈미트 '신년음악회' 쿠세비츠키 더블베이스협주곡, 슈베르트 아르페지오네 소나타(더블베이스 버전), 바흐 무반주첼로모음곡 6번(더블베이스)

들꽃 호아저씨 2020. 3. 15. 15:04

바람 속에 노래

게오르크 브라인슈미트Georg Breinschmid, '신년음악회'Neujahrskonzert, 도미니크 바그너Dominik Wagner 더블 베이스, 아우렐리아 비소반Aurelia Visovan 피아노


세르게이 쿠세비츠키Serge Koussevitzky, 더블베이스협주곡Double Bass Concerto in F-sharp minor, Op.3 (1905), 도미니크 바그너Dominik Wagner 더블 베이스, 조슈아 비그란Joshua Vigran 피아노

Dominik Wagner and Joshua Vigran play Serge Koussevitzky Concerto in f-sharp minor op.3. The cadenza in the third movement was written by Dominik Wagner.

Recording session: June 2019 at the University of North Texas in Denton

This video is sponsored by the Bradetich Foundation as part of the 1st prize at its 2017 Competition won by Dominik Wagner.


프란츠 슈베르트Franz Schubert.(1797-1828) 아르페지오네 소나타Sonata in a-minor for arpeggione and piano

도미니크 바그너Dominik Wagner 더블 베이스(double bass) and 아우렐리아 비소반Aurelia Visovan 피아노(piano) play Franz Schubert's sonata in a-minor for arpeggione and piano, 더블 베이스 편곡arranged for double bass and piano.

Recording session: April 2019 at the Mozartsaal of the Wiener Konzerthaus


요한 제바스티안 바흐Johann Sebastian Bach, 무반주첼로모음곡 6번Sixth Suite for solo cello BWV 1012

조엘 쿼링턴Joel Quarrington 더블 베이스

A Canadian School of Double Bass production

J.S. Bach Sixth Suite for solo cello performed on double bass

Performer/Arranger 조엘 쿼링턴Joel Quarrington

Former Principal Bass London Symphony Orchestra, Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Professor Conservatoire de musique de Montréal, Principal National Arts Centre Orchestra, Ottawa Canada.

Filmed May 28, 2018 at St-Stephen's Parish in Chelsea, Québec






