토마스 아데스Thomas Adès, Chamber Symphony
드미트리 쇼스타코비치Dimitri Shostakovich, 피아노협주곡 1번Concerto for Piano, Trumpet and String Orchestra in C Minor op. 35
루드비히 판 베토벤Ludwig van Beethoven, 교향곡 4번Symphony n° 4 in B flat major.
NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester
이고르 레빗Igor Levit 피아노
페드로 미겔 프레이레Pedro Miguel Freire 트럼펫
앨런 길버트Alan Gilbert
Igor Levit and Alan Gilbert - Watch the full programme | ARTE Concert
In Hamburg’s spectacular concert hall, the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra perform with pianist Igor Levit and conductor Alan Gilbert. ProgrammeThomas Adès: Chamber SymphonyDimitri Shostakovich: Concerto for Piano, Trumpet and String Orchestra in C Mino