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슈트라우스Richard Strauss 마지막 노래 넷, 말러Gustav Mahler, 교향곡 5번 : 뮌헨필Munich Philharmonic, 디아나 담라우Diana Damrau 소프라노, 발레리 게르기예프Valery Gergiev

들꽃 호아저씨 2020. 9. 29. 18:09



리하르트 슈트라우스Richard Strauss 4개의 마지막 노래Vier Letzte Lieder

구스타프 말러Gustav Mahler, 교향곡 5번Symphony No. 5 in C-sharp Minor

1. Trauermarsch: In gemessenem Schritt. Streng. Wie ein Kondukt

2. Stürmisch bewegt, mit größter Vehemenz

3. Scherzo: Kräftig, nicht zu schnell

4. Adagietto: Sehr langsam

5. Rondo-Finale: Allegro – Allegro giocoso. Frisch

뮌헨필Munich Philharmonic, 디아나 담라우Diana Damrau 소프라노, 발레리 게르기예프Valery Gergiev

Russian conductor Valery Gergiev conducts the Munich Philharmonic in a performance of Mahler and Strauss.

The Four Last Songs by Richard Strauss are the composer’s final completed compositions, published posthumously in 1950. German soprano Diana Damrau sensitively performs these gravely beautiful works.

Gustav Mahler’s 5th includes the famously passionate third movement Adagio. Cinephiles will recognise it from Luchino Visconti’s film: Death in Venice.



Valery Gergiev Conducts Strauss and Mahler - Watch the full programme | ARTE Concert

Russian conductor Valery Gergiev conducts the Munich Philharmonic in a performance of Mahler and Strauss. The Four Last Songs by Richard Strauss are the composer’s final completed compositions, published posthumously in 1950. German soprano Diana Damrau


구스타프 말러Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) ​