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[추천 영상] 그리고리 소콜로프 연주 영상

들꽃 호아저씨 2022. 11. 24. 19:18



Grigory Sokolov plays Schubert, Beethoven, Rameau, and Brahms



Grigory Sokolov plays Schubert, Beethoven, Rameau, and Brahms_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

https://www.medici.tv/ In June 2013, Russian piano superstar Grigory Sokolov gave his extraordinarily rare approval for his recital at the Berliner Philharmonie to be filmed. His last performance filmed live took place more than 10 years before, in Novembe





2018-09-10 Grigory Sokolov performs Haydn & Schubert from Esterházy Palace_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

https://www.dg-premium.com Recorded at the beautiful Haydnsaal in the Esterházy Palace in Eisenstadt, Austria, where Haydn worked for nearly thirty years, Grigory Sokolov presents a meticulously assembled program of Haydn and Schubert. Known for his dedic





2021.12.11 Grigory Sokolov联合国万国宫钢琴独奏音乐会 演绎舒曼《克莱斯勒偶记》拉赫玛尼诺夫十首

Palais des Nations Robert Schumann, Kreisleriana, Op. 16 1. Äußerst bewegt (Very animated) 2. Sehr innig und nicht zu rasch (Introspective and not too fast) 3. Sehr aufgeregt (Very agitated) 4. Sehr langsam (Very slowly) 5. Sehr lebhaft (Very lively) 6.





索科洛夫Grigory Sokolov - Live in Paris_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

DVD压制 2002 索科洛夫Grigory Sokolov - Live in Paris Ludwig van Beethoven 1. Sonata for Piano no 9 in E major, Op. 14 no 1 2. Sonata for Piano no 10 in G major, Op. 14 no 2 3. Sonata for Piano no 15 in D major, Op. 28 "Pastoral" Komitas Vardapet 4. D





Grigory Sokolov plays Beethoven Piano Sonata No 29 in B flat major Hammerklavier_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

荣耀80 Pro上手体验-能玩游戏的手机,也能拍Vlog?





【索科洛夫】Grigory Sokolov - 巴赫/贝多芬/舒伯特(2015 普罗旺斯现场)_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

YouTube 0:39 Bach Keyboard Partita nº1 BWV825 22:53 Beethoven Sonata nº7 in D major op10/3 51:00 Schubert Sonata in A minor D784 (20:24 The most known Gigue) 64:11 andante 74:42 Schubert six musical moments D780 收起
