2024/08/08 13

브루크너 교향곡 4번 ‘낭만’ : 야첵 카스프치크

안톤 브루크너Anton Bruckner(1824~1896)교향곡 4번 ‘낭만’Symfonia nr 4 "Romantyczna"/Symphony No. 4 in E-flat major (WAB 104) RomanticI. Bewegt, nicht zu schnellII. Andante, quasi allegrettoIII. Scherzo. BewegtIV. Finale: Bewegt, doch nicht zu schnell 바르샤바필하모닉오케스트라Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra-Orkiestra Filharmonii Narodowej야첵 카스프치크Jacek Kaspszykrecorded at Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall in Warsaw. Poland, ..

브루크너 교향곡 7번 : 세르주 첼리비다케

The Berlin Philharmonic performs Anton Bruckner’s Symphony No. 7 in E major (WAB 107) under conductor Sergiu Celibidache in the Konzerthaus Berlin, in the spring of 1992: an extraordinary concert with a legendary lineup. Rehearsals for the concert were documented in the film ‘The Triumphant Return’ (dir. Wolfgang Becker, 1992). 안톤 브루크너Anton Bruckner(1824-1896) 교향곡 7번Symphony No. 7 in E major (WA..

바흐 무반주첼로모음곡 1번, 2번 : 루시아 스바르츠, 에바 라이멘스툴

요한 제바스티안 바흐Johann Sebastian Bach, 무반주첼로모음곡 1번Cello Suite No. 1 in G major BWV 1007PreludeAllemandeCouranteSarabandeMenuet I & IIGigue루시아 스바르츠Lucia Swarts 첼로네덜란드바흐협회Netherlands Bach Societyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGnZHIY_hoQ&t=403s 요한 제바스티안 바흐Johann Sebastian Bach, 무반주첼로모음곡 2번Cello Suite No. 2 in D Minor BWV 1008PreludeAllemandeCouranteSarabandeMenuetGigue에바 라이멘스툴Eva Lymenstull 첼로The Suit..