요한 제바스티안 바흐Johann Sebastian Bach무반주바이올린 파르티타1번Violin Partita no. 1 in B minor BWV 1002Ⅰ. AllemandaⅡ. DoubleⅢ. CorrenteⅣ. Double. PrestoⅤ. SarabandeⅥ. DoubleⅦ. Tempo Di BoreaⅧ. Double기돈 크레머Gidon Kremer 바이올린in front of the gleaming gold altar of the Church of St. Nikolaus in Lockenhaus, Burgenland. The recording dates from 2006.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gipH7lZon88&t=122s요한 제바스티안 바흐Johann Se..